Capoeira Narahari, our capoeira school

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Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art form that playfully incorporates music, dance, and acrobatics. It is a multi-modal physical activity which promotes the development of strength, aerobic fitness, musical skills, and flexibility. It is also an excellent outlet for creativity, as capoeira athletes use improvised movements during play.

We practice a system of capoeira developed by Mestre Beiçola, founder of Capoeira Narahari and Capoeira Besouro (Rio de Janeiro). His teacher is the legendary Mestre Touro, who founded Grupo Corda Bamba in 1964 in Rio de Janeiro. The roots of his style is Capoeira Angole de São Bento Grande, which emerged specifically during the 1500s in Rio de Janeiro, developed by Afro-Brazilians fighting for liberation and survival. Much has obviously changed since then, including since the early days when our mestres began their training. As any art form, capoeira continues to evolve as it spreads across the globe. With that in mind, I strive to respect the knowledge my teachers have passed down to me, to pass on to my students the essence and core values of their capoeira teachings.

At the start of each class, we will spend time learning percussion and songs used in capoeira. By connecting together through music we reset our minds to release the stresses of the day and prepare for training. Students of all levels practice together and continue the tradition of community sharing and teaching each other. More experienced students will help the newer students, and we all grow together. Capoeira is an art form that requires a lot of a practitioner – the mind and body must be healthy, conditioned, and prepared to move and respond with control. Training other fitness activities outside of this class is highly recommended to increase cardiovascular conditioning as well as muscular strength. I recommend daily core-strengthening exercises and proper form push-ups as a start. Cycling, running, and swimming are great ways of maintaining and increasing cardio endurance. Preventing injury by proper nutrition and strengthening will ensure that you’re able to have a healthy capoeira life!

We currently have students from all over the Peninsula and South Bay Area including Menlo Park, Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, and San Jose.

Our open rodas are open to any capoeirista from any background. The next event will be posted here, on our facebook page, and on the calendar (in the footer of this website).

Read More:

– 2018 article in the Stanford Daily:

mandmarts at Stanford
Capoeira Narahari Graduation ceremony at Stanford University, December 2018